Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

You Are OK

Sorry it took mommy so long to post again ... things have been kind of crazy. First and most importantly, you are ok! After screaming at the doctor for your results, your x-ray came back negative and your hips are just fine. Insert HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF!

Mommy had surgery yesterday to remove a cyst on her wrist and I haven't been able to hold you. I'm having a hard time with that, but hopefully tomorrow will be better.

In the meantime, you are so close to walking I think. You want to do it so badly. My guess is in the next month maybe.

But one thing you are doing now and doing like crazy is EATING! You love your food and love to feed yourself. Here are some pics!

And you also got some fun time at the office at daycare! Thanks to Miss Susan for sending!

And this last one is from the CEO of Learning Care Group - she came in for a visit!

Two new things you are doing - playing peek-a-boo after your bath. Mommy puts your towel on you and you lift it up to your face and pull it down over and over. And now that your crib is mounted to our bed, you've started crawling up on our mattress and then falling into your crib laughing hysterically. I think we have a future gymnast on our hands.

Our first family vacation is just about one month away. I can't wait!!

Love you peanut!