Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

From Your Dad

I have been asking your daddy to write something special for you, so that the blog isn't all from mommy ... here is what he put together!

A Fathers Love
My dearest Averie;
I never knew how much my life would change the moment I saw you.  Nothing mattered in the world for that one moment in time when you made your first debut. 
All I can remember is your first cry, which filled my eyes with tears of joyful eyes. 
The overwhelming sense of fulfillment was almost more than I could bear, looking at your tiny hands, feet and oh’ all that hair. 
Placing you in my arms is when it all made sense… I am your father, your protector, your provider at no expense. 
As you grow you will bring my life new meaning, a journey of wonderful times that’s just started from the beginning. 
As I write this you are smiling, that I’m sure.  You are a treasure Averie, you are so tender and pure. 
You are my life, my love and my heart.  Thank you for the opportunity to share it from the start. 
Although these feelings I share are somewhat new, my love for you is strong and true.   
I am so very excited to have and share your life, as one day it will change when you become a lucky man’s wife.    
For now you are mine and not for share, you still haven’t put me through the days of pulling out my hair. 
We will have our trials, for this I’m sure.  Those days that were both acting a little immature.  
When those days come and we’re feeling sad and low, I know we will be there for each other, to brighten each rainbow.     
In finishing these thoughts, please hold these words near.  My dearest Averie… “You are my life, my love and my heart my dear.”  
I love you! 
Your Dad.   

And here's a pic he took of you this morning sleeping.

I love you peanut!

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