Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Round Two of Vaccinations

Well little one ... we went for your four month shots on Tuesday. The doctor was so impressed by how strong you are. She even said that she thinks you might just skip the crawling phase and go right to walking (like your mommy did when she was little). But then the needles came out and you were not a happy camper at all. But as soon as they were done, you settled down and went to sleep in your carseat.

Your stats at this visit were:
Length - 24.5" (55th percentile)
Weight - 13.5 lbs. (33rd percentile)
Head Circumference - 16.5" (86th percentile - you get this from your daddy!)

The doctor also told mommy that at this age, you should be sleeping through the night and it's time for me to start some tough love on you. She wants you to start sleeping in your crib and told me I need to let you cry. I'm not so sure I can do that. So we might try a different approach called the Sears method. It involves starting a bedtime routine and comforting you when you fuss (but not really picking you up). So our routine now will be bottle, bath and book time. It worked really well last night, so we'll keep trying! STAY TUNED.

And here are some more photos from Miss Nichol at Tutor Time again. The first one is my absolute favorite. You must have LOVED the noise that canister made when they shook it for you!

I love you peanut!

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