Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Your First Christmas

Okay - the holidays were a little crazy, which has meant that mom didn't have much time to blog. Sorry peanut. But we all survived your FIRST CHRISTMAS!

On December 18, we celebrated with your Daddy's side of the family. You were a little fussy that day, but I think it was just because there was so much going on that you didn't want to take a nap. We finally got you settled into your Auntie Susan's bed with mommy, and out you went for three hours! You got some super cute toys and your cousin Sabryn was your Secret Santa.

We celebrated with Mommy's family on Christmas Eve. You got lots of presents from grandma, Auntie Stacey and especially Mommy and Daddy. I picked out this super cute puppy that you love! (Video to come, Auntie Stacey needs to send it to me) and Daddy got you your very first diamonds! He made you earrings out of a ring and they are going to look so pretty in your ears. We decided to take you at six months to have them pierced by the doctor.

Christmas Day was just spent as a family, lounging around and not doing much of anything. It was nice to just have a quiet day with our little girl.

Next up is New Year's Eve. You are going to spend it with your Nana Mary, cause Mommy and Daddy have a wedding to go to. Stay tuned on how that goes!

And thanks again Miss Nichol - here are so more adorable photos!

I love you peanut!

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