Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 6, 2012

Mom S*cks!

Well peanut, mom got crazy busy again ... which means, she has been neglecting her postings. I am so sorry. I only have a couple minutes here, but I promise to start doing better.

You recently started eating baby food - some of it you like, others - well, not so much. We were supposed to start you on either rice or oatmeal cereal. Mommy tried at home and it didn't go so well. But the wonderful girls at Tutor Time had been working with you. Unfortunately, having it alone wasn't your favorite thing. So mom read that we could mix it with other things like fruit, which of course I did. The problem now is you just want the fruit (or yogurt) and none of that cereal stuff. Oh well.

I think I doomed you a little by giving you all the good stuff (ie. sweet foods) first. Maybe you will be like your mom and have an aversion to vegetables. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Lately, you have also becoming more and more of a Daddy's Girl! Everytime you hear his voice or he walks into a room, you just light up. Mom is a little jealous, but I know you still love me the most! Just kidding ... I know you love us both the same (not really, but we don't tell dad!)

We're gonna take your five month picture this weekend, so I will get it up ASAP. I promise.

Love you peanut!

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