Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Your Story

Well, well ... I knew that calling Daddy out publicly would do the trick! He took your five-month photo last night, and of course, mom forgot the camera at home this morning. But I will definitely get it posted by tomorrow.

In the meantime, here is the birth story that I promised you!

You finally arrived on August 14th at 4:11 p.m. You were 6 pounds, 4 ounces and 18 inches long. Let me tell you, being pregnant was not so much fun for mommy. I got sick quite a bit the first five months, then I broke my foot at 9 months chasing a stray dog (but that's a story for another time).

Needless to say, towards the end, I was definitely ready for you to come. So the night before I had you, I said a prayer to your great grandma asking her to please let you be born very soon!

Well it worked, because at about 5:30 in the morning, I got up to go to the bathroom. When I got back into bed, my water broke ... which really freaked me out. I woke up your daddy and neither one of us could really believe that you were ready 9 days early!

I called our doctor and then our doula (who was there to help in case daddy drove me nuts!) and I tried to stay home for as long as I could. But your daddy definitely wanted us in the hospital, so off we went around 8:30. It wasn't a pretty ride, because I guess I had a lot of "water" in my belly.

When we arrived, I was 90% effaced and 1.5 cm dialated. That wasn't very far ... I should have stayed home. But we got moved into the delivery room around 10:30. The mean nurse (again, another story), tried to put my IV in four times ... and each time, it "popped" (which gave your mom lots of bruises on her arms). They finally called an anesthesiologist in to do it.

At about 12:45, I was dilated to a four, 100% effaced and at station O (you will learn what all of these things mean when you are ready to have your first baby!). I was in a lot of pain, so I asked for the epidural. THANK GOODNESS! It came pretty quickly and by 1:20, I was feeling a bit of relief.

Unfortunately, that didn't last too long because you were pretty determined to make your way out. By 3:00, I was 9.5+ cm dilated.

At 3:22, I thought it was definitely time. Unfortunately, your doctor was busy delivering another baby and dealing with a dad that wasn't doing too well. So we had a resident doctor, but she was super nice and we were all excited to meet you.

We started pushing shortly after. At one point, your heart rate dropped, which scared mommy VERY MUCH! They made me roll on my side, stop pushing and they gave us oxygen. They reached into to play with your head so that you would be stimulated and your heart rate would come back up. After only 33 minutes of pushing, my sweet baby Averie arrived!

Daddy cried (mommy too!) and I think I was still in shock that I actually did it (you will probably hear stories of how scared mommy was to deliver you!). Soon enough, we were in recovery holding you - our little miracle.

Love you peanut!

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