Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mohawks, Playing with Jello, Crawling and Sitting Up

It's been a very busy week for you little one!

You have been obsessed with rolling over on to your belly, and then wanting to crawl so badly. I don't think you are strong enough yet ... but honey, you are trying so hard. You are lifting your butt a little and trying to get on your knees, but you haven't quite figured out that you need to use your arms too. It's adorable and mom will try and get some video to share STAT. We're still working on getting you to roll over from your belly to your back, but I know it will come!

You also sat up all by yourself for the very first time. You put your little hands in front of you on the floor to help you balance. But you are getting there. I think in two weeks, you will be sitting up just like a big girl!

And here are some fun pictures from Tutor Time. Thank you again Miss Nichol. Can't tell you how much we appreciate all you do!
Playing with jello! You loved to eat it - FIGURES! You are going to be just like your mommy with a sweet tooth!

Check out your little mohawk, compliments of your Tutor Time teachers. Good thing you are cute and can pull this off!

Fire drill time at Tutor Time!

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