Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 20, 2012

We're Sick ...

Sorry that mommy hasn't posted in a while; it's been a rough couple weeks. It started with you having a super runny nose that lasted a while, then it turned into an ear infection and sinus infection for you. Not happy times, that's for sure. Then mommy got sick with strep, ear infection and pink eye. So together, we have been a bit of a mess.

You finally seem to be doing better though - which is good, cause it also means you're sleeping better!

Anyway - since I last posted you went to church for a mass for your Auntie Karen, had a visit from your Aunt Pam  and one from Miss Katie (one of your old Tutor Time teachers ... who you love!) and have been doing awesome in swimming class. You absolutely love it!

You are also soooo very close to crawling; and probably not to far from walking. They said you pulled yourself up into a standing position at daycare the other day. SUCH A BIG GIRL! And you have been trying to do it on anything you can grab a hold of at home. It's just a matter of time ... I know it! But it also means lots of falls - so you often have a little red spot or bump on your noggin! Good thing your cute! 

And Miss Nichol sent us some more super cute photos from daycare! Here they are.

Love you peanut!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Photos

Here are the final shots from your Easter photo session. My beautiful little girl! Love you peanut!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Your First Easter

Well baby girl, you officially had your first Easter. We went to Nana Mary's and you found your Easter eggs filled with money, got a big Easter bunny, some bibs, diapers, and a swimsuit and hat!

Here's a pic of you wearing your hat! 

Then we went to lunch with all of our family and you were such a good girl. Not a tear the whole time - mommy was so proud! And all of the other customers were talking about how cute you are.

We headed home and Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Richie came over with your Easter goodies - 8 Disney movies, two books and a swing that daddy hooked up outside.

But you sure were tuckered out after that long day and you fell asleep for the night around 7:00.

Here's some video of you playing with one of our Easter baskets! Once again - daddy forgets which way to hold his phone when recording. SORRY!

Love you peanut!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

FINALLY - 7 Months Photo

Daddy really is not so good about remembering to take your photo. FINALLY, here it is!

7 Months

6 Months - so you can compare!

You have been doing so good at your swimming lessons. I think you love it! I have a video to post from it, hopefully I'll get it up this week.

And while you still don't have any teeth, you are definitely itching to get around. I'm guessing you will be crawling, if not walking, in the next month or so. You're definitely on the right path ... but you get so frustrated, because you just haven't figured it out yet.

Finally, mommy and daddy tried to move you into the crib with no luck. We have some ideas for possible solutions. Stay tuned. I'll let you know what we end up doing.

Love you peanut!