Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 9, 2012

Your First Easter

Well baby girl, you officially had your first Easter. We went to Nana Mary's and you found your Easter eggs filled with money, got a big Easter bunny, some bibs, diapers, and a swimsuit and hat!

Here's a pic of you wearing your hat! 

Then we went to lunch with all of our family and you were such a good girl. Not a tear the whole time - mommy was so proud! And all of the other customers were talking about how cute you are.

We headed home and Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Richie came over with your Easter goodies - 8 Disney movies, two books and a swing that daddy hooked up outside.

But you sure were tuckered out after that long day and you fell asleep for the night around 7:00.

Here's some video of you playing with one of our Easter baskets! Once again - daddy forgets which way to hold his phone when recording. SORRY!

Love you peanut!

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