Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ear Piercing

Well my precious little peanut - today was not the best day at the doctor's office for you.

Let's start with the good stuff. You are 26 3/4" long (76 percentile), 16 pounds (42% percentile) and your head is 17 1/2 inches (94 percentile).

And well - that's about it with the good stuff. You went in today for your six-month shots. But you also have another cold and on top of that, mom decided to get your ears pierced. So our day started with the doctor looking you over and deciding you needed to have your left ear cleaned out. You absolutely hated it and cried and cried. Then she looked at what we thought was your diaper rash and it turns out you actually have an infection, so we got a prescription for that. Mom got you settled down and they came in to pierce your ears. The good part was you looked so pretty with them - but the bad news was they were crooked. So the doctor had to do them over again.

Your mommy got her ears pierced when she was like five years old and didn't have a good experience. So I thought by doing it when you were younger, that would be our smartest decision. Unfortunately, it didn't turn out that way. I am sorry ... but you still look beautiful now that they are fixed!

Then, you got all of your shots and well, saying you were miserable doesn't quite cut it. You cried and screamed for about 10 minutes until mommy finally got you to sleep.

I am sorry that you had such a bad day ... but always remember that I love you peanut!

Pics to come soon! XOXO

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Best Birthday Present Ever

My sweet baby girl ... you gave mommy the best birthday present ever (just a couple hours early). You and I were playing on the floor and you were "talking" and out of your mouth came the words "mum, mum!" And you said it lots of times!

Granted, it's not mama - but if we lived in England, you would totally be talking about me! So I am going to consider that you said my name before Daddy's! I win!

And here is a pic daddy took of you ... he thinks you are going to be a professional snowmobiler when you grow up. I'm not so sure!

I love you peanut!

Monday, February 20, 2012


You sure do love your jumperoo! Unfortunately, daddy video taped it sideways - but you can get the drift! Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy ...

And here are some super cute photos from Miss Nichol! We sure love that she takes all these ADORABLE pics of you!

Hopefully daddy will get your six month photo taken in the next day or so. I was hoping to get it yesterday, but you were a little fussy ... this teething thing sure is taking its toll on you!

I love you peanut!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I'm Such a Big Girl!!!!

Happy Six-Month Birthday

Today is the day for love ... and I just wanted to share how much you mean to me, my little peanut! You have completely changed my world and I honestly think I am the luckiest mom in the whole world. I was so scared of becoming a parent, but you have given my life meaning and I can't imagine not sharing every day with you, watching you grow and learn. I already know that you are going to be an amazing woman and I am so proud of you already!

Okay - enough mushy stuff. Happy six month birthday to you (Dad will have to take a photo tonight!). But in the meantime, here are some ADORABLE pics of you playing with Cool Whip!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Still Sick and some New Pics

Well peanut ... you and mommy are both sick now. You seem to have gotten rid of your cough, but now it's all coming out your nose every time you sneeze. And mom is pretty sure whatever she caught is turning into a sinus infection. So unfortunately, we get to be sick together. We're not a pretty pair. Fortunately, your Auntie Amy watched you Friday night so mommy could get some rest (even though I ended up not being able to sleep.) Oh well!

In the meantime, Miss Nichol sent us some new photos. I got them a bubble maker and you really love watching them go!

I love you peanut - hope we both feel better VERY SOON! I can't believe you are going to be six months old tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Well my sweet Averie girl, you are feeling much better these days. We're all done with the breathing treatments and the doctor thinks you are on the way to recovery. However, you have also developed eczema, so we have to lotion you up all the time to help keep it under control. Unfortunately, I think you are going to be like your mommy and catch or have almost every illness possible! UGH!

On Saturday, you were an absolute princess. I don't think you cried once (Sunday is another story!). Your Auntie Amy came over with Mallory and Kara and they were dancing for you. You absolutely loved watching them and were cracking up. Here is the video.

And we downloaded an app on the iPad which you love too - it's a little piano. Here you are playing around - my future little Mozart!

I love you peanut!