Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 13, 2012

Still Sick and some New Pics

Well peanut ... you and mommy are both sick now. You seem to have gotten rid of your cough, but now it's all coming out your nose every time you sneeze. And mom is pretty sure whatever she caught is turning into a sinus infection. So unfortunately, we get to be sick together. We're not a pretty pair. Fortunately, your Auntie Amy watched you Friday night so mommy could get some rest (even though I ended up not being able to sleep.) Oh well!

In the meantime, Miss Nichol sent us some new photos. I got them a bubble maker and you really love watching them go!

I love you peanut - hope we both feel better VERY SOON! I can't believe you are going to be six months old tomorrow!

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