Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Well my sweet Averie girl, you are feeling much better these days. We're all done with the breathing treatments and the doctor thinks you are on the way to recovery. However, you have also developed eczema, so we have to lotion you up all the time to help keep it under control. Unfortunately, I think you are going to be like your mommy and catch or have almost every illness possible! UGH!

On Saturday, you were an absolute princess. I don't think you cried once (Sunday is another story!). Your Auntie Amy came over with Mallory and Kara and they were dancing for you. You absolutely loved watching them and were cracking up. Here is the video.

And we downloaded an app on the iPad which you love too - it's a little piano. Here you are playing around - my future little Mozart!

I love you peanut! 

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