Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ear Piercing

Well my precious little peanut - today was not the best day at the doctor's office for you.

Let's start with the good stuff. You are 26 3/4" long (76 percentile), 16 pounds (42% percentile) and your head is 17 1/2 inches (94 percentile).

And well - that's about it with the good stuff. You went in today for your six-month shots. But you also have another cold and on top of that, mom decided to get your ears pierced. So our day started with the doctor looking you over and deciding you needed to have your left ear cleaned out. You absolutely hated it and cried and cried. Then she looked at what we thought was your diaper rash and it turns out you actually have an infection, so we got a prescription for that. Mom got you settled down and they came in to pierce your ears. The good part was you looked so pretty with them - but the bad news was they were crooked. So the doctor had to do them over again.

Your mommy got her ears pierced when she was like five years old and didn't have a good experience. So I thought by doing it when you were younger, that would be our smartest decision. Unfortunately, it didn't turn out that way. I am sorry ... but you still look beautiful now that they are fixed!

Then, you got all of your shots and well, saying you were miserable doesn't quite cut it. You cried and screamed for about 10 minutes until mommy finally got you to sleep.

I am sorry that you had such a bad day ... but always remember that I love you peanut!

Pics to come soon! XOXO

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