Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nine Month Check-Up

Hi peanut! So daddy took you to the doctor today for your nine month check-up. I still can't believe how fast you are growing up. It was a day of good news and bad news.

First ... let's compare the stats since your last check-in at six months.

19.2 pounds
29" long
18.25" head

Six months:
16 pounds 
26 3/4" long
17.5 head

The doctor said you are above where you should be in terms of talking, socialization, moving around, etc. - so WAY TO GO! Mommy is so proud.

But they also found a possible issue too. They are worried that you might have something called developmental hip dysplasia, so daddy had to take you for an xray. You were not so happy about that! All I know is that is has something to do with the fat lines in your leg not lining up and that being a symptom. So stay tuned ... I sure hope they are wrong!

Other than that, daddy finally took your nine month photo. Here you go!

9 Months
7 Months

6 Months

5 Months

4 Months

3 Months

2 Months

1 Month
 I love you beautiful baby girl (aka peanut!)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

9 Months

Well my little peanut - you turned 9 months last week. I can't believe how quickly you are growing up. "Right before my eyes!" (Ask me about that little saying one day!).

You are crawling like crazy and I know walking isn't too far behind. Your two teeth are still working their way in ... so far, you can only see little white spots, but they are there.

And you're eating lots of big girl food now. Any time daddy or I sit down to eat, you crawl over, drag yourself up and basically start begging ... sort of like Guinness and Molson. It's funny!

We took you to the zoo for the first time on Saturday and you LOVED it! You got to sit in the backpack and look all around. You even fell asleep after a while - must have been all the fresh air. Here are two pics!

Mommy also bought you a baby pool and we played outside in it for a little while on Sunday. You LOVED that too!

And I forgot to post these photos from when I took to you the Community Center for the Easter petting farm.

And finally, mommy put you in daddy's old classic car this weekend for a photo! Dad thinks you look pretty cool!

Finally, thanks again to Miss Nichol at Tutor Time for some more cute photos!

We also FINALLY moved your crib into our bedroom and you're sleeping right next to us in there. So far so good ... gonna give you a couple weeks like that, then move it further away and then hopefully, back into your bedroom. Wish us luck!

I love you peanut!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Another New Tooth

Well peanut, we've had a rough two days, but mom is happy to say that it's because you had another tooth on the way. So we now have your two bottom ones working their way up and out. Can't wait to see you smile with them. Hopefully you get mommy's smile and teeth (your daddy's - well, not so good!) Don't tell him I said that!

And speaking of daddy, he never got your eight month picture, so when you're old enough to read this, make sure he's the one you yell at. Seeing that you'll be nine months next week, not sure it's worth trying to take one now.

But thanks to Miss Nichol at Tutor Time, I have some more great ones to post. Here they are!

I love you peanut!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Week of Milestones

Well my little peanut ... it has been a big week for you! Not only did you start crawling on Friday (thanks to Miss Nichol and everyone at Tutor Time for helping get you moving), you also sprouted your first bottom tooth today! I was starting to wonder if they were ever going to come in!

Anyway - hope to post some new pics later this week. You are getting to be such a BIG GIRL!

Love you peanut!