Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nine Month Check-Up

Hi peanut! So daddy took you to the doctor today for your nine month check-up. I still can't believe how fast you are growing up. It was a day of good news and bad news.

First ... let's compare the stats since your last check-in at six months.

19.2 pounds
29" long
18.25" head

Six months:
16 pounds 
26 3/4" long
17.5 head

The doctor said you are above where you should be in terms of talking, socialization, moving around, etc. - so WAY TO GO! Mommy is so proud.

But they also found a possible issue too. They are worried that you might have something called developmental hip dysplasia, so daddy had to take you for an xray. You were not so happy about that! All I know is that is has something to do with the fat lines in your leg not lining up and that being a symptom. So stay tuned ... I sure hope they are wrong!

Other than that, daddy finally took your nine month photo. Here you go!

9 Months
7 Months

6 Months

5 Months

4 Months

3 Months

2 Months

1 Month
 I love you beautiful baby girl (aka peanut!)

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