Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 7, 2012

Another New Tooth

Well peanut, we've had a rough two days, but mom is happy to say that it's because you had another tooth on the way. So we now have your two bottom ones working their way up and out. Can't wait to see you smile with them. Hopefully you get mommy's smile and teeth (your daddy's - well, not so good!) Don't tell him I said that!

And speaking of daddy, he never got your eight month picture, so when you're old enough to read this, make sure he's the one you yell at. Seeing that you'll be nine months next week, not sure it's worth trying to take one now.

But thanks to Miss Nichol at Tutor Time, I have some more great ones to post. Here they are!

I love you peanut!

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