Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Photos from Tutor Time

Your teacher, Miss Nichol sent me some pics from your first few days at Tutor Time. Here they are!

I love you peanut!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving, Projectile Vomit, the Flu, Tutor Time and Ear Piercing

Well my little peanut, you recently celebrated your first Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, you were a little fussy that day. And while your Auntie Susan made a yummy dinner, you only got your bottle. Which was probably a good thing because when we got you home, you shared your first projectile vomit with us. It went all over Grandma Cheryl who came by with dessert. Hopefully next year you will get to enjoy it a lot more!

And a couple days later, mommy got the stomach flu. NOT FUN! Your Daddy and Nana Mary had to take care of you all day, because I was not well. I just kept saying my prayers that you wouldn't catch it. So far, so good ... but stay tuned, it's still early. 

You also officially started Tutor Time. Your teacher, Miss Nicole, seems great and I think you are going to be very happy there. And of course, mommy emailed her friends at the corporate office there to help make sure they are taking the very best care of you!

Finally, Mommy is trying to decide what to do about getting your ears pierced. Lots of people are telling me to do it when you are little ... cause it won't hurt. And your pediatrician will do it in their office when you are six months. Others are saying, wait until you can decide for yourself and make it a Mommy / Daughter event. But when I was a little girl and went, I didn't have a great experience - the gun got stuck in my ear. So I am not sure I want to have something like that happen to you ... when you're old enough to remember. What to do, what to do ...

Here are a couple pics of you from Dad's phone. Not the best quality, but you still look cute!

And while I always end with "I love you princess!" I am thinking I don't want you to get to used to being royalty (even though to me you are!), so maybe we'll start with "I love you peanut!"

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Your First Boo Boo ... and Yes, Mommy Caused It

Well, you can officially add your mom to the Bad Mom List! On Monday night, I gave you your first official boo-boo.

You have been scratching your face the past couple days, so I decided to clip your nails. I couldn't find the baby safe ones, so I figured I would use mine - how hard could it be, right? Well, I did it while you were sleeping and you happened to move your thumb at just the right time, and I ended up clipping off a piece of your skin. It bled a little bit, I felt horrible and daddy pretty much gave me the evil eye. But we made you a baby band-aid, gave you lots of love and you were a-okay!

And yesterday was your free trial day at Tutor Time. You did great and they gave me a little book with lots of pictures. I think that is were mommy is leaning towards taking you. We'll decide this weekend. But you even took a two hour nap for them - which is CRAZY! You have never taken a two-hour nap for mommy. The teachers there must have tired you out!

Finally, you are doing a lot more talking these days. Making this silly little noise where you sort of purse your lips together. Here's a really short video of it!

I love you princess ... even if I did scar for you life with your little thumb incident.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

More Doctor's and Day Care Drama

Well little peanut - you had your first official chest x-ray yesterday.
Dad took you to the doctor (AGAIN), because your cough seems to have gotten worse and mom was of course freaking out. The good news is everything looks good, but you have this virus that you can't seem to kick. So the doctor said, "Give it another 5-7 days and let's see what happens." You are just too tiny for any medications, so we just need to let it run it's course. So here's hoping your little immune system kicks in quickly.

And when you're old enough to read this, I'm not sure you'll really care ... but mommy about lost it on your day care provider yesterday. (And I probably shouldn't tell you because I don't want you think you didn't always have the best care!) But it's all about memories, right? When daddy came to pick you up for the doctor, you were still in your car seat in your Bundle Me (not sure they'll still be around when you grow up, but they are like fleece liners that keep you warm in your car seat when outside). Well, your clothes were wet from sweating so much because they didn't think to take it off when I dropped you off. Idiots! Well, I called right away to yell at her and she lied saying that they left it on you because they felt you're feet and you were cold - but you were in those footie pajamas that day! So needless to say, mommy is trying to find a new place to take you ... and we're hoping to have everything ready so you can start somewhere better on Monday.

I might have overreacted a little, but I love you princess - and I only want the best for you.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How You Got Your Name

I wanted to quickly tell you the story of how we picked your name. Mommy and Daddy couldn't seem to agree on what we wanted to call you. We had both lost people very special to us - your Auntie Karen and your Great Grandma - and we wanted you to have a connection to each of them. But unfortunately, the names didn't go very well together. So, we decided that since you were part of both of us, you should have our initials. And since I carried you for nine months (throwing up for four of those) and delivered you - I got the first name! Totally fair, right? (You'll understand when you become a mommy). So we knew you were going to be Averie (even though we originally spelled it Avery). Then, after you were born, Daddy decided on Morgan! Which is very appropriate because during your first two months, you were always opening only one eye and looked like a pirate, ie. Captain Morgan!

And since I have a picture, figured I should include it ... cause I just can't get enough of you! Even though you are a sick baby right now, you are still happy!

As always, I love you princess!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Pneumonia and Tummy Time

Well my little peanut - as you know, we have both been pretty sick the last few days. Mommy finally found the time to go to the doctor for herself and found out that she has pneumonia. YUCK! I felt pretty crummy all weekend, but I now have lots of medicine and hopefully will be back to spoiling you rotten very soon!

We bought you a new battery-operated mobile for your crib this weekend and you LOVE it! You really enjoyed the ladybug one that we had, but you had to wind it and it only played for a couple minutes. So we  found this new one that plays for 20 minutes straight. Here are two photos of you in the crib enjoying it.

We have also been trying to find a way to get you to do some Tummy Time! But let's just say, you haven't been a fan of lying on your belly on the floor. So this weekend, we tried to prop you up a little with your Boppy pillow and guess what - it worked! Here's a pic!

I was so proud of you for holding your head up so high peanut! And Daddy took a video! But for all of you adults out there, ignore how corny mommy sounds - she had no idea this was happening - but in the spirit of wanting to create memories for my baby girl, I couldn't resist posting.

I love you princess.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Doctor Appointment

Well - today is 11-11-11 and guess what you weighed at the doctor's office? That's right, 11 pounds and 11 ounces. Weird coincidence, but happy you are still packing on the pounds there chunky monkey!

We did a re-check on your reflux - which hasn't really been resolved with your Zantac. You don't seem to be that uncomfortable anymore, but formula is still coming out your nose. The doctor thinks you are one of the more severe cases, so we are going to try something else - Baby Pepcid. She says the reflux makes your colds even worse, but there isn't anything we can do about that. So I just need to get you healthy!

You also had a milestone today - your first actual tears. You probably don't know this, but for the first couple months, babies don't produce any tears from their eyes. That changed at the doctor's office today when I was trying to suction some of the boogies out of your nose. The things a mom does for her baby!

 Other than that, I thought of two other things to share with you. First, your favorite "toy" is this vibrating, musical light-up chair that Auntie Lauren loaned to us. You love to listen to the music, watch the lights go back and forth and kick at the toys hanging from it. In fact, you have gotten your kicks down pretty good at this point - it's fun to watch you aim, kick and make contact!

And - you played your first game of Peek-A-Boo with me and Grandma about a week ago. You were sitting with me in the recliner and grandma kept asking you "Are you a big girl Averie?" Every time she said that, you would smile, laugh, turn into my side and lick my shirt (why I have no idea!), and you did this probably 20 times.

Grandma and I laughed so hard and you just seemed to be having the best time. Those are some of my favorite moments and the ones I want to always remember. I can't wait until one day, you make those memories with your own daughter.

I love you princess.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mommy's First Post

My sweet little peanut … I wish I had started writing this earlier, but when you were first born, I wanted to spend every free minute with you. So finding the time to put something like this together wasn’t a priority. But now, I want to be sure that you have some stories about your first few years and I figured a journal like this would be perfect.

This past Sunday, November 6, was your three-month birthday. We have been taking pictures of you at every month milestone so we can track how big you are growing. Sometimes, you are so happy when we take them, and other times, well … we’re lucky to get a good shot. Here is the progression.

(1 Month)

(2 Months)

(3 Months)

It was also your baptism. You looked absolutely beautiful. Here are two pictures.

(With Mommy and Daddy)

(With your Godparents, Auntie Stacey and Uncle Moe)

The bad news is, when we changed you into your dress, you threw up all over it. Unfortunately, that has been a trend during your first three months. The doctor recently diagnosed you with acid reflux or GERD. So you are on baby Zantac and have to sleep elevated. Which means, you haven’t really been in your crib yet. Daddy is getting worried about that – because he wants you to be a big girl, but we’ll get there.

Right now, you also have your second cold. It’s making you pretty miserable. Lots of coughing and drainage. You actually go back to the doctor tomorrow for a recheck on your reflux, so hopefully they will be able to do something to help you. It makes mommy so sad to see you this way … but I know it’s part of going to daycare and spending time with all the other kids. The research says it will make you healthier when you get older, so only time will tell!

Overall, you are pretty happy baby. You love to smile – especially when mom smacks her lips or makes “farting” noises with her mouth.

You are very alert and are constantly looking around … trying to take everything in. You don’t really know what to make of Guinness and Molson yet, but I know that once you get a little older, you are going to love them. Molson already gives you lots of kisses and Guinness has been your little protector.

I will share more after your appointment tomorrow.

But in the meantime, I encourage any friends or family members to add their comments throughout this journey so you have stories from everyone.

I love you princess.