Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mommy's First Post

My sweet little peanut … I wish I had started writing this earlier, but when you were first born, I wanted to spend every free minute with you. So finding the time to put something like this together wasn’t a priority. But now, I want to be sure that you have some stories about your first few years and I figured a journal like this would be perfect.

This past Sunday, November 6, was your three-month birthday. We have been taking pictures of you at every month milestone so we can track how big you are growing. Sometimes, you are so happy when we take them, and other times, well … we’re lucky to get a good shot. Here is the progression.

(1 Month)

(2 Months)

(3 Months)

It was also your baptism. You looked absolutely beautiful. Here are two pictures.

(With Mommy and Daddy)

(With your Godparents, Auntie Stacey and Uncle Moe)

The bad news is, when we changed you into your dress, you threw up all over it. Unfortunately, that has been a trend during your first three months. The doctor recently diagnosed you with acid reflux or GERD. So you are on baby Zantac and have to sleep elevated. Which means, you haven’t really been in your crib yet. Daddy is getting worried about that – because he wants you to be a big girl, but we’ll get there.

Right now, you also have your second cold. It’s making you pretty miserable. Lots of coughing and drainage. You actually go back to the doctor tomorrow for a recheck on your reflux, so hopefully they will be able to do something to help you. It makes mommy so sad to see you this way … but I know it’s part of going to daycare and spending time with all the other kids. The research says it will make you healthier when you get older, so only time will tell!

Overall, you are pretty happy baby. You love to smile – especially when mom smacks her lips or makes “farting” noises with her mouth.

You are very alert and are constantly looking around … trying to take everything in. You don’t really know what to make of Guinness and Molson yet, but I know that once you get a little older, you are going to love them. Molson already gives you lots of kisses and Guinness has been your little protector.

I will share more after your appointment tomorrow.

But in the meantime, I encourage any friends or family members to add their comments throughout this journey so you have stories from everyone.

I love you princess.

1 comment:

  1. How stinking cute does Miss Averie look in her 3 month old pic with the giant teddy bear? I wonder who dressed her that day... maybe her auntie Stacey. Mommy was not happy with what Auntie Stacey picked out for you... but I think you looked super cute...especially with those striped socks pulled up to your knees. Love you Baby Averie and I miss you soooooooo much!
