Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 17, 2011

More Doctor's and Day Care Drama

Well little peanut - you had your first official chest x-ray yesterday.
Dad took you to the doctor (AGAIN), because your cough seems to have gotten worse and mom was of course freaking out. The good news is everything looks good, but you have this virus that you can't seem to kick. So the doctor said, "Give it another 5-7 days and let's see what happens." You are just too tiny for any medications, so we just need to let it run it's course. So here's hoping your little immune system kicks in quickly.

And when you're old enough to read this, I'm not sure you'll really care ... but mommy about lost it on your day care provider yesterday. (And I probably shouldn't tell you because I don't want you think you didn't always have the best care!) But it's all about memories, right? When daddy came to pick you up for the doctor, you were still in your car seat in your Bundle Me (not sure they'll still be around when you grow up, but they are like fleece liners that keep you warm in your car seat when outside). Well, your clothes were wet from sweating so much because they didn't think to take it off when I dropped you off. Idiots! Well, I called right away to yell at her and she lied saying that they left it on you because they felt you're feet and you were cold - but you were in those footie pajamas that day! So needless to say, mommy is trying to find a new place to take you ... and we're hoping to have everything ready so you can start somewhere better on Monday.

I might have overreacted a little, but I love you princess - and I only want the best for you.

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