Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How You Got Your Name

I wanted to quickly tell you the story of how we picked your name. Mommy and Daddy couldn't seem to agree on what we wanted to call you. We had both lost people very special to us - your Auntie Karen and your Great Grandma - and we wanted you to have a connection to each of them. But unfortunately, the names didn't go very well together. So, we decided that since you were part of both of us, you should have our initials. And since I carried you for nine months (throwing up for four of those) and delivered you - I got the first name! Totally fair, right? (You'll understand when you become a mommy). So we knew you were going to be Averie (even though we originally spelled it Avery). Then, after you were born, Daddy decided on Morgan! Which is very appropriate because during your first two months, you were always opening only one eye and looked like a pirate, ie. Captain Morgan!

And since I have a picture, figured I should include it ... cause I just can't get enough of you! Even though you are a sick baby right now, you are still happy!

As always, I love you princess!

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