Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Your First Boo Boo ... and Yes, Mommy Caused It

Well, you can officially add your mom to the Bad Mom List! On Monday night, I gave you your first official boo-boo.

You have been scratching your face the past couple days, so I decided to clip your nails. I couldn't find the baby safe ones, so I figured I would use mine - how hard could it be, right? Well, I did it while you were sleeping and you happened to move your thumb at just the right time, and I ended up clipping off a piece of your skin. It bled a little bit, I felt horrible and daddy pretty much gave me the evil eye. But we made you a baby band-aid, gave you lots of love and you were a-okay!

And yesterday was your free trial day at Tutor Time. You did great and they gave me a little book with lots of pictures. I think that is were mommy is leaning towards taking you. We'll decide this weekend. But you even took a two hour nap for them - which is CRAZY! You have never taken a two-hour nap for mommy. The teachers there must have tired you out!

Finally, you are doing a lot more talking these days. Making this silly little noise where you sort of purse your lips together. Here's a really short video of it!

I love you princess ... even if I did scar for you life with your little thumb incident.

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