Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving, Projectile Vomit, the Flu, Tutor Time and Ear Piercing

Well my little peanut, you recently celebrated your first Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, you were a little fussy that day. And while your Auntie Susan made a yummy dinner, you only got your bottle. Which was probably a good thing because when we got you home, you shared your first projectile vomit with us. It went all over Grandma Cheryl who came by with dessert. Hopefully next year you will get to enjoy it a lot more!

And a couple days later, mommy got the stomach flu. NOT FUN! Your Daddy and Nana Mary had to take care of you all day, because I was not well. I just kept saying my prayers that you wouldn't catch it. So far, so good ... but stay tuned, it's still early. 

You also officially started Tutor Time. Your teacher, Miss Nicole, seems great and I think you are going to be very happy there. And of course, mommy emailed her friends at the corporate office there to help make sure they are taking the very best care of you!

Finally, Mommy is trying to decide what to do about getting your ears pierced. Lots of people are telling me to do it when you are little ... cause it won't hurt. And your pediatrician will do it in their office when you are six months. Others are saying, wait until you can decide for yourself and make it a Mommy / Daughter event. But when I was a little girl and went, I didn't have a great experience - the gun got stuck in my ear. So I am not sure I want to have something like that happen to you ... when you're old enough to remember. What to do, what to do ...

Here are a couple pics of you from Dad's phone. Not the best quality, but you still look cute!

And while I always end with "I love you princess!" I am thinking I don't want you to get to used to being royalty (even though to me you are!), so maybe we'll start with "I love you peanut!"

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