Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 14, 2011

Pneumonia and Tummy Time

Well my little peanut - as you know, we have both been pretty sick the last few days. Mommy finally found the time to go to the doctor for herself and found out that she has pneumonia. YUCK! I felt pretty crummy all weekend, but I now have lots of medicine and hopefully will be back to spoiling you rotten very soon!

We bought you a new battery-operated mobile for your crib this weekend and you LOVE it! You really enjoyed the ladybug one that we had, but you had to wind it and it only played for a couple minutes. So we  found this new one that plays for 20 minutes straight. Here are two photos of you in the crib enjoying it.

We have also been trying to find a way to get you to do some Tummy Time! But let's just say, you haven't been a fan of lying on your belly on the floor. So this weekend, we tried to prop you up a little with your Boppy pillow and guess what - it worked! Here's a pic!

I was so proud of you for holding your head up so high peanut! And Daddy took a video! But for all of you adults out there, ignore how corny mommy sounds - she had no idea this was happening - but in the spirit of wanting to create memories for my baby girl, I couldn't resist posting.

I love you princess.

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