Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, November 11, 2011

Doctor Appointment

Well - today is 11-11-11 and guess what you weighed at the doctor's office? That's right, 11 pounds and 11 ounces. Weird coincidence, but happy you are still packing on the pounds there chunky monkey!

We did a re-check on your reflux - which hasn't really been resolved with your Zantac. You don't seem to be that uncomfortable anymore, but formula is still coming out your nose. The doctor thinks you are one of the more severe cases, so we are going to try something else - Baby Pepcid. She says the reflux makes your colds even worse, but there isn't anything we can do about that. So I just need to get you healthy!

You also had a milestone today - your first actual tears. You probably don't know this, but for the first couple months, babies don't produce any tears from their eyes. That changed at the doctor's office today when I was trying to suction some of the boogies out of your nose. The things a mom does for her baby!

 Other than that, I thought of two other things to share with you. First, your favorite "toy" is this vibrating, musical light-up chair that Auntie Lauren loaned to us. You love to listen to the music, watch the lights go back and forth and kick at the toys hanging from it. In fact, you have gotten your kicks down pretty good at this point - it's fun to watch you aim, kick and make contact!

And - you played your first game of Peek-A-Boo with me and Grandma about a week ago. You were sitting with me in the recliner and grandma kept asking you "Are you a big girl Averie?" Every time she said that, you would smile, laugh, turn into my side and lick my shirt (why I have no idea!), and you did this probably 20 times.

Grandma and I laughed so hard and you just seemed to be having the best time. Those are some of my favorite moments and the ones I want to always remember. I can't wait until one day, you make those memories with your own daughter.

I love you princess.

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